Showing posts with label DMX-4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DMX-4. Show all posts

VMware hosts require few mandatory FA bits setting before SAN storage to be provision. Apart from FA bits a series of procedure require from installing HBAs, HBA Firmware and drivers, zoning, mapping, masking devices, to configure kernel files and devices.

Let’s assume we have already identified Symmetrix FA port for VMware host and completed zoning on switch. It is better to have separate FA pair for VMware host. (You can connect VMware host to 2 pair FA if you have enough FA resources available and going to deploy critical application which require more performance).

You can identify the FA port available on Symmetrix:

symcfg list –connections.

Verify port flag settings-

symcfg list –fa -p -v

( FA-Number and Port where your host connected/zoned)

The following FA bits/flag require being set/Enable:

                     i)    Common Serial Number (C)

                    ii)    VCM State (VCM) --- (ACLX for V-MAX)

                    iii)    SCSI 3 (SC3)

                    iv)    SPC 2

                    v)     Unique World Wide Name (UWWN)

                   vi)     Auto-negotiation (EAN)

                   vii)    Point to Point (P)

Note :- FA bit/flag requirement may vary depending on Symmetrix, but most of times you require to enable above bit for VMware host.

Create a command file for setting FA port flags, call it faflags.cmd with the below entry:

# For C-Bit

set port FA:Port Common_Serial_Number=enable;

set port FA:Port Common_Serial_Number=enable;

# For VCM-Bit

set port FA:Port VCM_State=enable;

set port FA:Port VCM_State=enable;

# For SC3-Bit

set port FA:Port scsi_3=enable;

set port FA:Port scsi_3=enable;

# For SP-2-Bit

set port FA:Port SPC2_Protocol_Version=enable;

set port FA:Port SPC2_Protocol_Version=enable;

# For UWWN-Bit

set port FA:Port Unique_WWN=enable;

set port FA:Port Unique_WWN=enable;

# For EAN-Bit

set port FA:Port Auto_Negotiate=enable;

set port FA:Port Auto_Negotiate=enable;

# For PTOP-Bit

set port FA:Port Init_Point_to_Point=enable;

set port FA:Port Init_Point_to_Point=enable;

Once you prepare command file, you can commit the file:

symconfigure –sid preview –f  faflags.cmd

Verify port flag settings once again, required FA flags should have be enabled by now-

symcfg list –fa -p -v

You are ready to provision SAN storage for VMware host now…

In the current storage markets and technology, storage tiers are defined by availability, functionality, performance and costs. In fact data can move up and down tiers as time and business required.

Tier "0" is not new in storage market but for implementation purposes it has been difficult to accommodate because it requires best performance and lowest latency. Enterprise Flash disks (Solid State Disks) capable to meet this requirement. It is possible to get more performance for company most critical applications. The performance can be gained through using Flash drives supported in VMAX and DMX-4 systems. One Flash drive can deliver IOPS equivalent to 30 15K RPM hard disk drives with approximately 1 ms application response time. Flash memory achieves performance and the lowest latency ever available in the enterprise class storage array.

Tier “0” application can be closely coupled with other storage tier within Symetrix series for consistency and efficiency, reducing cost of company for manual data layout or data migration from old disk to new high speed disk.

Tier “0” storage can be used to accelerate online transaction processing, accelerating performance with large indices and frequently accessed database tables i.e. Oracle, DB2 databases and SAP R/3. Tier 0 can also improve performance in batch processing and shorten batch processing in windows environments.

Tier “0” storage performance will help application that needs the lowest latency and response time possible. The following applications can get benefited through using Tier 0 storage:

- Algorithmic trading
- Data modeling
- Trade optimization
- Realtime data/feed processing
- Contextual web advertising
- Other realtime transaction systems
- Currency exchange and arbitrage

Tier “0” storage is most beneficial with random read miss application. If random read miss percentage is low, application will not see any performance difference since writes and sequential reads/writes already leverage Symmetrix cache to achieve the lowest possible response time.

For example, if the read hit percentage is high >90 % as compared to read misses, such application like DSS, Streaming media, improvements provided by Tier 0 storage will not likely be enough to be cost-effective.

Think when you are creating a point-in-time image for multiple devices. It is easy to create a point-in-time image of entire set of logical device at same time. In order achieve this you need to shut down an application so that no IO will occurs while you creating a point-in-time image. This is big problem in today’s environment where every company looking solution for zero down time.
The EMC provided solution to this problem is called “Enginuity Consistency Assist”. When you create a set of sessions and invoke Enginuity Consistency Assist, the Symmetrix aligns the I/O of those devices and halts all I/O from the host systems very briefly—much faster than the applications can detect—while it creates the session. It then resumes normal operation without any application impact.
TimeFinder Consistent Split using (TimeFinder/Consistency Groups) allows the splitting off of a consistent, re-startable image of an Oracle database instance within seconds with no interruption to the online Oracle database instance.
Ÿ - Allows users to split off a dependent write consistent, re-startable image of application without interrupting online services
Ÿ - Using TimeFinder/Consistency Groups to defer write I/O at the Symmetrix before a split
Ÿ - Consistent split can be performed by any host running Solutions Enabler connected to the Symmetrix
Ÿ - Tested and available including HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, Linux, and Windows
Ÿ - No database shutdown or requirement to have database put into backup mode (Oracle).

Using TF/CG, consistent splits helps to avoid inconsistencies and restart problems that can occur with using Oracle hot-backup mode (not quiescing the database).
The major benefits of TF/CG are:
• No disruption to the online Oracle database to obtain a Point-in-Time image
• Provides a consistent, re-startable image of the Oracle database for testing new versions or database patch updates before deploying for use in production environments
• Can be used to obtain a business point of consistency for business restart requirements for which Oracle has been identified as one of multiple databases for such an environment.

The same benefits apply using TF/CG in a clustered environment as in a non-clustered environment:
- No disruption to the online Oracle database to obtain a Point-in-Time image in a Oracle single instance environment or when using Oracle Real Application Clusters
- Provides a consistent, re-startable image of the Oracle database for testing new versions or database patch updates before deploying for use in clustered production environments
- Can be used to obtain a business point of consistency for business restart requirements for which Oracle has been identified as one of multiple databases for such an environment.

SRDF Pair Status

Posted by Diwakar ADD COMMENTS

SRDF/S and SRDF/A configuration involves tasks such as suspending and resuming the replication, failover from R1 side to R2, restoring R1 or R2 volumes from their BCV, and more. You perform these and other SRDF/S or SRDF/A operations using both symrdf and TimeFinder command symmir. The below details are for SRDF Pair states during SRDF procedure.

SyncInProg :- A synchronization is currently in progress between the R1 and the R2. There are existing invalid tracks between the two pairs and the logical link between both sides of an RDF pair is up.

Synchronized :- The R1 and the R2 are currently in a synchronized state. The same content exists on the R2 as the R1. There are no invalid tracks between the two pairs.

Split :- The R1 and the R2 are currently Ready to their hosts, but the link is Not Ready or Write Disabled.

Failed Over :- The R1 is currently Not Ready or Write Disabled and operations been failed over to the R2.

R1 Updated :- The R1 is currently Not Ready or Write Disabled to the host, there are no local invalid tracks on the R1 side, and the link is Ready or Write Disabled.

R1 UpdInProg :- The R1 is currently Not Ready or Write Disabled to the host, there are invalid local (R1) tracks on the source side, and the link is Ready or Write Disabled.
Suspended :- The RDF links have been suspended and are Not Ready or Write Disabled. If the R1 is Ready while the links are suspended, any I/O accumulates as invalid tracks owed to the R2.

Partitioned :- The SYMAPI is currently unable to communicate through the corresponding RDF path to the remote Symmetrix. Partitioned may apply to devices within an RA group. For example, if SYMAPI is unable to communicate to a remote Symmetrix via an RA group, devices in that RA group are marked as being in the Partitioned state.

Mixed :- Mixed is a composite SYMAPI device group RDF pair state. Different SRDF pair states exist within a device group.

Invalid :- This is the default state when no other SRDF state applies. The combination of R1, R2, and RDF link states and statuses do not match any other pair state. This state may occur if there is a problem at the disk director level.

Consistent :- The R2 SRDF/A capable devices are in a consistent state. Consistent state signifies the normal state of operation for device pairs operating in asynchronous mode.

We have discussed about Virtual Provisioning of Symmetrix in previous post. Now, we will discuss about Virtual Provisioning Configuration. You have to understand your storage environment before you run the below mentioned command.

Configuring and viewing data devices and pools:

Data Devices are devices with datadev attribute. Only Data Devices can be part of Thin Pool. Devices with different protection scheme can be supported for use in Thin Pools. It is depending on specific Enginuity level. All devices with the datadev attribute are used for exclusively for populating Thin Pools.

Create command file (Thin.txt) with following syntax:

create dev count=10, config=2-Way-Mir, attribute=datadev, emulation=FBA, size=4602;

# symconfigure -sid 44 -file thin.txt commit –v –nop

A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait...
Establishing a configuration change session...............Established.
Processing symmetrix 000190101244
create dev count=10, size=4602, emulation=FBA,
config=2-Way Mir, mvs_ssid=0000, attribute=datadev;
Performing Access checks..................................Allowed.
Checking Device Reservations..............................Allowed.
Submitting configuration changes..........................Submitted
Step 125 of 173 steps.....................................Executing.
Step 130 of 173 steps.....................................Executing.
Local: COMMIT............................................Done.
Terminating the configuration change session..............Done.

The configuration change session has successfully completed.

# symdev list -sid 44 -datadev

Symmetrix ID: 000190101244
Device Name Directors Device
--------------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------
Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts Cap(MB)
--------------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------
10C4 Not Visible ???:? 01A:C4 2-Way Mir N/A (DT) RW 4314
10C5 Not Visible ???:? 16C:D4 2-Way Mir N/A (DT) RW 4314
10C6 Not Visible ???:? 15B:D4 2-Way Mir N/A (DT) RW 4314
10C7 Not Visible ???:? 02D:C4 2-Way Mir N/A (DT) RW 4314
10C8 Not Visible ???:? 16A:D4 2-Way Mir N/A (DT) RW 4314
10C9 Not Visible ???:? 01C:C4 2-Way Mir N/A (DT) RW 4314
10CA Not Visible ???:? 16B:C4 2-Way Mir N/A (DT) RW 4314

Thin Pool can be created using symconfigure command and without adding data devices:

# symconfigure -sid 44 -cmd "create pool Storage type=thin;" commit –nop

Once pool is created, data devices can be added to the pool and enabled:

EMC announced Symmetrix V-Max recently which is based on virtual matrix. Symmetrix V-Max runs on latest Enginuity 5874. The 5874 plateform support Symmetricx V-Max Emulation level 121 and service processor level 102. The modular design of V-Max series Enginuity 5874 ensure flow and integrity between hardware component. Symmetrix Management Console 7.0 (SMC) integrated in service processor. SMC allows you to provision in 5 steps. Enginuity 5874 provides following enhanced feature:

RAID Virtual Architecture :-Enginuity 5874 introduces a new RAID implementation infrastructure. This enhancement increases configuration options in SRDF environments by reducing the number of mirror positions for RAID 1 and RAID 5 devices. This enhancement also provides additional configuration options, for example, allowing LUN migrations in a Concurrent or Cascaded SRDF environment. You can migrate device between raid level/tier level.

Large Volume :-Support Enginuity 5874 increases the maximum volume size to approximately 240 GB for open systems environments and 223 GB for mainframe environments. DMX-4 allows max only 65 GB hyper.

512 Hyper Volumes per Physical Drive :- Enginuity 5874 supports up to 512 hyper volumes on a single drive, twice as much as Enginuity 5773(DMX-3/4). You can improve flexibility and capacity utilization by configuring more granular volumes that more closely meet their space requirements and leave less space unused.

Autoprovisioning Groups :- Auto provisioning Groups reduce the complexity of Symmetrix device masking by allowing the creation of groups of host initiators, front-end ports and storage volumes. This provides the ability to mask storage to multiple paths instead of one path at a time, reducing the time required and potential for error for consolidated and virtualized server environments. You can script and schedule batch operation using SMC 7.0.

Concurrent Provisioning and Scripts :- Concurrent configuration changes provide the ability to run scripts concurrently instead of serially, improving system management efficiency. Uses for concurrent configuration changes include parallel device mapping, unmapping, metavolume form and dissolve from different hosts.

Dynamic Provisioning Enhancements :- Dynamic configuration changes allow the dynamic setting of the BCV and dynamic SRDF device attributes and decrease the impact to hosts I/O during the corresponding configuration manager operations.

New Management Integration :- With Enginuity 5874, the Symmetrix Management Console (SMC) and SMI-S provider are available on the Symmetrix system's Service Processor. This frees host resources and simplifies Symmetrix system management; by attaching the Service Processor to your network, you can open SMC and manage the Symmetrix system from anywhere in their enterprise.

Enhanced Virtual LUN :- With Enginuity 5874, Virtual LUN technology provides the ability to non disruptively change the physical location on disk, and/or the protection type of Symmetrix logical volumes and allows the migration of open systems, Mainframe and System i volumes to unallocated storage or to existing volumes. Organizations can respond more easily to changing business requirements when using tiered storage in the array.
Enhanced Virtual Provisioning Draining:- With Enginuity 5874, Virtual Provisioning support for draining of data devices allows the nondisruptive removal of one or more data devices from a thin device pool, without losing the data that belongs to the thin devices. This feature allows for improved capacity utilization.
Enhanced Virtual Provisioning:- Support for all RAID Types With Enginuity 5874, Virtual Provisioning no longer restricts RAID 5 data devices. Virtual Provisioning now supports all data device RAID types.

Performance Tuning

Posted by Diwakar ADD COMMENTS

Performance tuning has always been a challenge for System administrators and Database administrators for a long time. As virtualization continues to grow in every aspect of the IT infrastructure, tuning the OS, DB or storage tends to become even more complex.

Apart from CPU power and memory size, disk subsystem handles the movement of data on the computer system and has a powerful influence on its overall response. Also performance disk layout must also be designed to provide appropriate data protection with overall cost in mind.
Planning ahead is the most effective practice to avoid performance issues later on while also providing the flexibility to make adjustments before committing the changes into production.

Some fundamental disk terminology:

Alignment –Data block addresses compared to RAID stripe addresses
Coalesce – To bunch together multiple smaller IOs in one larger one
Concurrency – Multiple threads writing to disk simultaneously
Flush – Data in cache written to disk
Multi-pathing – Concurrent paths to same disk storage

How to choose a RAID type:

The concept of RAID is comprehensible to most in the storage industry. To extract the best disk performance, choosing the right RAID type based on IO patterns is very important. Most commonly observed IO patterns are listed later in the article. Since RAID 5 and RAID 1/0 are the most commonly used RAID types in the industry lets focus on these two for now.

RAID 1/0 – This RAID type works best for random IOs pattern especially for write-intensive applications. If the writes are above 20% go and RAID 1/0

RAID 5 – Compared to RAID1/0, for same number of physical spindles, the performance of the two is very close in a read-heavy environment. For instance, a 2+2 RAID 1/0 (total 4 disks) will perform similar to a RAID 5 3+1 (total 4 disks).

On the other hand, if one can afford to ignore the number of physical spindles and consider only the usable capacity (RAID 10 3+3 v/s RAID 5 3+1), RAID 1/0 is the way to go.

RAID1/0 has higher cost associated with it while RAID 5 provides a more efficient use of disk space. The only con associated with RAID 5 is the re-sync time after a disk replacement.

Number of Operations per RAID type:

RAID 1 and 1/0 require that two disks to be written for each host initiated write.
Total IO=host reads + 2* host writes
RAID5 (4+1) requires 4 operations per host write. If the data is sequential, do one large stripe write
A r5 write requires 2 reads and 2 writes
Total IO=host reads + 4*host writes

To re-cap,
. Parity RAID operations increase the disk load. For similar capacity, go for RAID1/0
. RAID5 is better than RAID1/0 for large sequential IO
. RAID 3 is much effective as you can now use cache with RAID 3
. RAID1/0 is best for mixed IO types.

Commonly noticed Database IO patterns:

OLTP Log – sequential
OLTP – Data – random
Bulk Insert - sequential
Backup – sequential read/write
Restore – sequential read/write
Re-index - sequential read/write
Create Database - Sequential read

Knowing your IO personality is important to choose which RAID type to consider. Using the above notes and application IO patterns, one can make a choice on the disk layout. Some characteristics of the IOs to consider are:
- IO size
- IO Read/Write ratio
- Type of IO - Random v/s Sequential
- Snapshots / Clones
- Application type – OLTP ?
- Bandwidth requirements
- Estimated Growth

Once you decide the type of RAID to use, you can fine tune the disk system by following vendor recommended practices like:

-- Lun distribution
-- Distribute the IO load evenly across available disk drives
-- Avoid using Primary and BCv/Snapshots luns on same physical spindles. (The best way to avoid this is to have separate disk groups for primary data disks and BCVs/Clones/Snapshots)
-- Consider using Meta or host stripping

Disk writes are more costly and thus must be given bigger share of cache
Match cache page size to IO size to prevent multiple Ios

Stripe Size:
Retain default stripe size of 64KB
Larger the stripe size, more cache size required and longer it takes to rebuild

FC or iSCSI:
FC Best for large IO and high bandwidth
FC More expensive
iSCSI involves lowest cost
iSCSI works best for OLTP, small block IO

Some Best Practice recommendations from Microsoft:

Microsoft has laid a few guidelines for designing the SQL database
Use RAID1+0 for log files
Isolate log from data at physical disk level
Use RAID 1+0 for tempdb

Revisiting the above recommendations periodically to stay on track, will go a long way in extracting the best out of disks

--Contributed by Suraj Kawlekar

From its inception, Symmetrix was designed with the flexibility to incorporate the latest technology in disk drives, memory and other components. This effort has enabled the storage platform to evolve to meet the ever-increasing data demands of enterprises. and has provided customers with unparalleled investment protection. The first-generation Symmetrix 4400 Integrated Cached Disk Array (ICDA), with a total capacity of 24 gigabytes, was introduced in 1990. The seventh-generation system, the Symmetrix DMX-3, was introduced in July 2005 and features a Direct Matrix Architecture® and maximum capacity of one petabyte (1,024 terabytes). The Symmetrix platform has continued to improve and evolve to meet the needs of data-intensive organizations worldwide and remains the most successful intelligent storage platform in history.

With more than 68,000 systems shipped from its introduction in 1990 through the end of June, 2005 and with more than 400 EMC patents covering its technology, Symmetrix remains the high-end storage market leader and continues to set the standard for mission-critical high-end storage innovation.

1990 – Symmetrix 4200 – ICDA (Integrated Cached Disk Array) Technology, Total Capacity 24 GB

1991 – Symmetrix 4200 – 4Mb DRAM, 5.25 HDAs, Mirroring RAID 1

1992 – Symmetrix 4400 - - Dynamic Sparing, RMP Call Home

1993 – Symmetrix 4800 – 16MB DRAM, 1 GB Global Memory,Non-disruptive microcode, Hypervolume Extension.

1994 – Symmetrix 5500-3 – SRDF

1995 – Symmetrix 3.0 Open Symmetrix- FWD SCSI- attach, 3.5’’ HDAs, RAID Protection, SRDF Host Component, Symmetrix Manager

1996 – Symmetrix ESP – Mix CKD/FBA

1997 – Symmetrix 4.0 – TimeFinder, DataReach, InfoMover, Celerra, FDRSOS, Fibre Channel, PowerPath, UltraSCSI, DMSP

1998 – Symmetrix 4.8 – FC-AL/FC-SW, Symmetrix Optimizer

1999 – Symmetrix 5.0 – 333 MHz PPC, 181 GB disks, QoS Controls

2000- Symmetrix 5.5 – 2 GB fibre Channel, 400 MHz PPC

2000-2001 – Symmetrix DMX – Direct Matrix, 500 MHz PPC, 2 GB FC, Back-End Parity RAID

2001 – 2002 – Symmetrix DMX – 2 GB FICON, Gigabit Ethernet SRDF, iSCSI, SRDF/A, TimeFinder/Snap

2003- Symmetrix DMX-2 – 1 Ghz PPC, RAID 5 Data Protection, 32 GB Memory Directors

2003-2004- Symmetrix DMX-2- SRDF Mode Change, Concurrent SRDF, SRDF/Star, TimeFinder/Clone, Open Replicator

2005 – Symmetrix DMX-3 – 8 Processors/Directors, 1.3 GHz PPC, Low Cost FC Disks, Incremental Scalable, Upto 2400 disks, Open Migrator/LM

2005-2006 – Symmetrix DMX-3 – Dynamic Cache Partitioning, Symmetrix Priority Controls, Virtual LUN Technology, Symmetrix Service Credential, Tamper Proof Audit Logs, Secure Data Eraser, RAID 6 Protections.

2007- 2008 Symmetrix DMX-4 – 4GB/s Point to point Backend, FC & SATA Intermix, RSA enVision Intergration, Flash Drives, Virtual Provisioning Cascaded SRDF.

There are two primary ways to reduce power consumption by carefully configuring the storage array itself and by taking advantage of EMC tools. Useful tips that will help to design an efficient DMX-3 array, including:

1) Minimizing DA pairs required.

2) Using more daisy chain storage bays to obtain needed capacity with fewer DA pairs.

3) Fully loading drive enclosures with drives (15) to reduce excess power overhead from cooling, logic, and power supply load efficiency.

4) Fully populating your DA pairs before adding additional pairs.

5) Ordering storage bays in increments of half to fully utilize enclosures.

6) Using larger capacity drives to reduce spindles.

7) Using tiered storage to reduce the number of higher speed drives when requirements allow.

8) Using RAID 5 or other as opposed to RAID 1 full mirroring.

9) Adding incremental storage bays and DA pairs as demand changes.

10) Using shorter loops for high performance drives, longer loops for lower performance drives.

There are other tools and techniques available as well, including:

11) Using Symmetrix Optimizer to balance performance and create opportunities for using larger capacity drives.Using Snaps instead of full volume copies to conserve space and use fewer drives.

In order to use the control functions of Solutions Enabler, you must create device groups and add/associate Symmetrix devices with the group. The following example shows how to create a device group, add a standard device to it and associate two BCV devices to the group.
The following commands will create a device group using the default type (regular). Next we will add a device to the device group and assign it a logical name. Then we associate two BCV devices with the device group so we can switch back and forth with the BCV devices.

symdg create mygroupsymld -g mygroup add dev 000 STD000
symbcv -g mygroup associate dev 110 BCV000
symbcv -g mygroup associate dev 111 BCV001

NOTE: At this point you have only added/associated devices with a device group. These actions do not in any way describe which devices should actually be paired. This may be confusing as the documentation is not very explicit. The fact is that the symmetrix may already have BCV pair information about these devices depending on how they were used in the past.
Now issue the commands to define the STD/BCV pair and actually synchronize the pair with a full establish.

symmir -g mygroup -full establish STD000 BCV dev 110
symmir -g mygroup -full establish STD000 BCV ld BCV000

This explicit definition of the STD device and the particular BCV device will cause any existing pair information to be disregarded and will use this new information to create a pair. This is

comparable to the older TimeFinder Command Line Interface "bcv -f filename" where the file "filename" consisted on one line entries pairing STD devices with BCV devices. And finally, split this TimeFinder pair and synchronize the STD device with a different BCV device.
symmir -g mygroup split
symmir -g mygroup -full establish STD000 BCV dev 111

Another method to establish pairs, using the "-exact" option [Available in V3.2-73-06 and higher]The -full -exact options on the symmir command instructs SYMCLI to define the STD/BCV pairs in the same order they were entered into the device group.

symdg create mygroupsymld -g mygroup add dev 000 STD000
symld -g mygroup add dev 001 STD001
symbcv -g mygroup associate dev 110 BCV000
symbcv -g mygroup associate dev 111 BCV001
symmir -g mygroup -full -exact establish

This will pair the first STD device (STD000) with the first BCV (BCV000) entered into the device group, and pair the second STD device (STD001) with the second BCV (BCV001) entered into the device group.

Flash Drives in DMX

Posted by Diwakar ADD COMMENTS

EMC announce Flash Drive support in CX-4 (A new generation CLARiiON) and DMX-4. EMC started supporting TIER 0 with Flash Drive. Flash drives provide maximum performance for latency sensitive applications. Flash drives, also referred to as solid state drives (SSD), contain no moving parts and appear as standard Fibre Channel drives to existing Symmetrix management tools, allowing administrators to manage tier 0 without special processes or custom tools. Tier 0 Flash storage is ideally suited for applications with high transaction rates and those requiring the fastest possible retrieval and storage of data, such as currency exchange and electronic trading systems, or real time data feed processing.

A Symmetrix DMX-4 with Flash drives can deliver single-millisecond application response times and up to 30 times more IOPS than traditional 15,000 rpm Fibre Channel disk drives. Additionally, because there are no mechanical components, Flash drives require up to 98 percent less energy per IOPS than traditional disk drives. Database acceleration is one example for Flash drive performance impact. Flash drive storage can be used to accelerate online transaction processing (OLTP), accelerating performance with large indices and frequently accessed database tables. Examples of OLTP applications include Oracle and DB2 databases, and SAP R/3. Flash drives can also improve performance in batch processing and shorten batch processing windows.

Flash drive performance will help any application that needs the lowest latency possible. Examples include

· Algorithmic trading

· Currency exchange and arbitrage

· Trade optimization

· Realtime data/feed processing

· Contextual web advertising

· Other realtime transaction systems

· Data modeling

Flash drives are most beneficial with random read misses (RRM). If the RRM percentage is low, Flash drives may show less benefit since writes and sequential reads/writes already leverage Symmetrix cache to achieve the lowest possible response times. The local EMC SPEED Guru can do a performance analysis of the current workload to determine how the customer may benefit from Flash drives. Write response times of long distance SRDF/S replication could be high relative to response times from Flash drives. Flash drives cannot help with reducing response time due to long distance replication. However, read misses still enjoy low response times.

Flash drives can be used as clone source and target volumes. Flash drives can be used as SNAP source volumes. Virtual LUN Migration supports migrating volumes to and from Flash drives. Flash drives can be used with SRDF/s and SRDF/A. Metavolumes can be configured on Flash drives as long as all of the logicals in the metagroup are on Flash drives.

Limitations and Restrictions of Flash drives:

Due to the new nature of the technology, not all Symmetrix functions are currently supported on Flash drives. The following is a list of the current limitations and restrictions of Flash drives.

Delta Set Extension and SNAP pools cannot be configured on Flash drives.
• RAID 1 and RAID 6 protection, as well as unprotected volumes, are currently not supported with Flash drives.
• TimeFinder/Mirror is currently not supported with Flash drives.
• iSeries volumes currently cannot be configured on Flash drives.
• Open Replicator of volumes configured on Flash drives is not currently supported.
• Secure Erase of Flash drives is not currently supported.
• Compatible Flash for z/OS and Compatible Native Flash for z/OS are not currently supported.
• TPF is not currently supported.

Lets talk about SRDF feature in DMX for disaster recovery/remote replication/data migration. In today’s business environment it is imperative to have the necessary equipment and processes in place to meet stringent service-level requirements. Downtime is no longer an option. This means you may need to remotely replicate your business data to ensure availability. Remote data replication is the most challenging of all disaster recovery activities. Without the right solution it can be complex, error prone, labor intensive, and time consuming.

SDRF/S addresses these problems by maintaining real-time data mirrors of specified Symmetrix logical volumes. The implementation is a remote mirror, Symmetrix to Symmetrix.
¨ The most flexible synchronous solution in the industry
¨ Cost effective solution with native GigE connectivity
¨ Proven reliability
¨ Simultaneous operation with SRDF/A, SRDF/DM and/or SRDF/AR in the same system
¨ Dynamic, Non-disruptive mode change between SRDF/S and SRDF/A
¨ Concurrent SRDF/S and SRDF/A operations from the same source device
¨ A powerful component of SRDF/Star, multi-site continuous replication over distance with zero RPO service levels.
¨ Business resumption is now a matter of a systems restart. No transportation, restoration, or restoring from tape is required. And SRDF/S supports any environment that connects to a Symmetrix system – mainframe, open system, NT, AS4000, or Celerra.
¨ ESCON fiber, fiber channel, Gigabit Ethernet, T3, ATM, I/P, and Sonet rings are supported, providing choice and flexibility to meet specific service level requirements. SRDF/S can provide real-time disk mirrors across long distances without application performance degradation, along with reduced communication costs. System consistency is provided by ensuring that all related data volumes are handled identically – a feature unique to EMC. Hope this litte article will help you to understand about SRDF/S.

EMC Brings Flash Drives in DMX-4 Frame

I have attended EMC Live classroom for new series of symmetrix DMX-4. I thought to share depth new architectural knowledge to you all.

EMC made a important announcement with respect to its 73 GB and 146 GB flash drives or solid state drives (SSD). Flash Drives and SSD represent a new solid-state storage tier, “tier 0”, for symmetrix DMX-4. In addition to that EMC will offer Virtual Provisioning for Symmetrix 3 and 4 as well 1 TB SATA II drives.

With this announcement EMC became first storage vendor to integrate Flash Technology into its enterprise-class arrays. There as excitement in industry who is looking for faster transaction and performance. Why this much excitement for new customer? I will be discussing some technical stuff in coming paragraph.

With flash drive technology in a Symmetrix DMX-4 storage system, a credit card provider could clear up to six transactions in the time it once took to process a single transaction. Overall, EMC’s efforts could significantly alter the dynamics of the flash SSD market, where standalone flash storage systems have been available only from smaller vendors.

EMC said that the new flash drives will cost about 30 times what an equivalent size high speed FC drive, and estimated that adding four drives would raise the cost of a Symmetrix disk storage system by about 10%. But in high-end business applications where every bit of IOPS performance counts, that premium becomes entirely acceptable. When an organization truly needs a major boost then flash drives are a very real and very reasonable solution.

Now, let’s talk about technical specification:

# DMX-4 can support upto 128 Flash drives in a frame

# Flash dives manufactured by STEC,Inc

# DMX-4 uses RAID 5(3+1) and (7+1) for flash drives

# Flash drives will operate on a 2GB/s FC loop

# Flash drives have in two size 73 GB and 146 GB 3।5” FC drive form factor at 2GB/s

# Flash drives support both format FBA and CKD emulation

# Limitation: - All the members must be Flash drives within same quadrant। (DA pair)

# Must have at least one flash drive as a Hot Spare।

# RAID 1 and RAID 6 are also in qualification

# Mixing Flash & Disk drives on the same loop is allowed

# PowerVault drives must be hard disk drives

# Maximum 32 flash drives per DA

# Cache Partiioning and QOS priority control highly recommended

# Flash Drives cab be protected with TimeFinder and SRDF

Most Suitable for Customer like:

# Algorithmic Trading

# Currency Exchange & Arbitrage
# Trade Optimization

# Real Time Data/Feed Processing

# Credit Card Fraud Detection

# Contextual Web Advertising

# Real Time Transaction Systems

# Data Modeling & Analysis

One Flash drive can deliver IOPS equivalent to 30 15K hard disk drives with approximately 1 ms application response time. This means Flash memory achieves unprecedented performance and the lowest latency ever available in an enterprise-class storage array.

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Sr. Solutions Architect; Expertise: - Cloud Design & Architect - Data Center Consolidation - DC/Storage Virtualization - Technology Refresh - Data Migration - SAN Refresh - Data Center Architecture More info:-
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