1. Log into Connectrix Manager using the Username and password that was provided by the Customer. Note that the default username and password is Administrator and password.
2. You should now be in Product view. From Product view, double click on the switch Icon.
3. You should now be in Hardware view. From Hardware view, move the mouse pointer over the Maintenance Icon and select the data collection option. In version 6.0 and above, you need to select the maintenance pull down menu and select data collection.
4. This will bring up the Save Data Collection dialog box. Type the name that you would like to save the data collection as in the File Name: text box. We recommend that you save it in the format of Customername_switchname_date.zip (i.e.. enron_sw01_08082002.zip). In what directory it is saved in is unimportant as long as you remember where it is.
5. Take the zip disk currently in the zip drive out of the zip drive and replace it with the one that came with the replacement part.
6. Move the data collection file to the zip disk (cut or copy and paste).
7. Take the zip disk containing the data collection out of the zip drive and replace it with the one that was originally in there.
8. Include the zip disk containing the data collection with the part being returned.
What is “Tier 0” in Storage Environments?
Tier "0" is not new in storage market but for implementation purposes it has been difficult to accommodate because it requires best performance and lowest latency. Enterprise Flash disks (Solid State Disks) capable to meet this requirement. It is possible to get more performance for company most critical applications. The performance can be gained through using Flash drives supported in VMAX and DMX-4 systems. Read More →
- A LSAN zone is a traditional zone with a special naming convention.
- Zone names must start with “LSAN_” or “lsan_” or “LSan_”
- LSAN zones are architecturally comaptiable with FOS and M-EOS
- FC Router uses LSAN zones to determine which devices need to be exported/imported into which routed fabrics.
- LSAN zones must be configured in all fabrics where the shared physical devices exist.
- The router performs zoning enforcement for edge fabrics at the ingress Router EX Port.
LSAN Implementation Rules:
- LSAN zone members must be defined using the device Port WWN, Zone members, including aliases, need to be defined using WWPN.
- LSAN zone name on the routed fabrics do not need to be identical, but is recommended for
ease of administration and troubleshooting.
- LSAN zones in routed fabrics sharing devices are not required to have identical membership. Shared devices must exist in both fabrics LSAN zones.
Once the LSAN zones are enabled, you will be able to check status of LSAN zones and members from the FC Router using the command lsanzoneshow –s
Router:admin>lsanzoneshow –s
Fabric ID: 1 Zone Name: lsan_zone1
10:00:00:00:98:23:12:11 Exist
10:00:00:00:98:23:ab:cd Imported
Fabric ID: 2 Zone Name: lsan_zone1
10:00:00:00:98:23:12:11 Imported
10:00:00:00:98:23:ab:cd Exist
The output reveals what devices are “Exported (Exist) and Imported from all the routed fabrics.
Lets discuss about most important thing in SAN environment ZONING. Zoning is the only way to restrict access for storage to all the host. We will be discussing about Zoning in details.
There are two type of Zoning basically : Hard Zoning and Soft Zoning. Lets first define what is Zoning??
Zoning is nothing but map of host to device to device connectivity is overlaid on the storage networking fabric, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.Zoning supports the grouping of hosts, switches, and storage on the SAN, limiting access between members of one zone and resources in another.
Zoning also restricts the damage from unintentional errors that can corrupt storage allocations or destabilize the network. For example, if a Microsoft Windows server is mistakenly connected to a fabric dedicated to UNIX applications, the Windows server will write header information to each visible LUN, corrupting the storage for the UNIX servers. Similarly, Fibre Channel register state change notifications (RSCN) that keep SAN entities apprised of configuration changes, can
sometimes destabilize the fabric. Under certain circumstances, an RSCN storm will overwhelm a
switch’s ability to process configuration changes, affecting SAN performance and availability for
all users. Zoning can limit RSCN messages to the zone affected by the change, improving overall
SAN availability.
By segregating the SAN, zoning protects applications against data corruption, accidental access,
and instability. However, zoning has several drawbacks that constrain large-scale consolidated
Lets first discuss what are type of Zoning and pro and cos:
As I have mentioned earlier that Zoning got two types basically you can say three but only 2 types popular in industry.
1) Soft Zoning 2) Hard Zoning 3) Broadcast Zoning
Soft Zoning : Soft zoning uses the name server to enforce zoning. The World Wide Name (WWN) of the elements enforces the configuration policy.
- Administrators can move devices to different switch ports without manually reconfiguring
zoning. This is major flexibility to administrator. You don't need to change once you create zone set for particular device connected on switch. You create a zone set on switch and allocate storage to host. You can change any port for device connectivity
- Devices might be able to spoof the WWN and access otherwise restricted resources.
- Device WWN changes, such as the installation of a new Host Bus Adapter (HBA) card, require
policy modifications.
- Because the switch does not control data transfers, it cannot prevent incompatible HBA
devices from bypassing the Name Server and talking directly to hosts.
Hard Zoning: - Hard Zoning uses the physical fabric port number of a switch to create zones and enforce the policy.
- This system is easier to create and manage than a long list of element WWNs.
- Switch hardware enforces data transfers and ensures that no traffic goes between
unauthorized zone members.
- Hard zoning provides stronger enforcement of the policy (assuming physical security on the
switch is well established).
- Moving devices to different switch ports requires policy modifications.
Broadcast Zoning: · Broadcast Zoning has many unique characteristics:
- This traffic allows only one broadcast zone per fabric.
- It isolates broadcast traffic.
- It is hardware-enforced.
If you ask me how to choose the zoning type then it is based on SAN requirement in your data center environment. But port zoning is more secure but you have to be sure that device is not going to change otherwise every time you change in storage allocation you have to modify your zoning.
Generally use in industry is soft zoning but as i have mentioned soft zoning has many cos. So, it is hard to say which one you should use always. So, analyze your datacenter environment and use proper zoning.
Broadcast zoning uses in large environment where are various fabric domain.
Having said that Zoning can be enforced either port number or WWN number but not both. When both port number and WWN specify a zone, it is a software-enforced zone. Hardware-enforced zoning is enforced at the Name Server level and in the ASIC. Each ASIC maintains a list of source port IDs that have permission to access any of the ports on that ASIC. Software-enforced zoning is exclusively enforced through selective information presented to end nodes through the fabric Simple Name Sever (SNS).
If you know about switch then you must notice that in Cisco we have FCNS database and Brocade Name Server. Both are for same purpose to store all the information about port and other. FCNS is stand for Fibre Channel Name Server.
There are plenty of thing on Switch itself to protect your SAN environment. Each vendor comes with different security policy. Zoning is the basic thing in order to secure your data access.
Hope this info will be useful for beginner. Please raise a comment if you want to know specific things.
MDS Interoperability Mode Limitations
When a VSAN is configured for the default interoperability mode, the MDS 9000 Family of switches is limited in the following areas when interoperating with non-MDS switches:
• Interop mode only affects the specified VSAN. The MDS 9000 switch can still operate with full functionality in other non-interop mode VSANs. All switches that partake in the interoperable VSAN should have that VSAN set to interop mode, even if they do not have any end devices.
• Domain IDs are restricted to the 97 to 127 range, to accommodate McData's nominal restriction to this same range. Domain IDs can either be set up statically (the MDS 9000 switch will only accept one domain ID; if it does not get that domain ID, it isolates itself from the fabric), or preferred (if the MDS 9000 switch does not get the requested domain ID, it takes any other domain ID).
• TE ports and PortChannels cannot be used to connect an MDS 9000 switch to a non-MDS switch. Only E ports can be used to connect an MDS 9000 switch to a non-MDS switch. However, TE ports and PortChannels can still be used to connect an MDS 9000 switch to other MDS 9000 switches, even when in interop mode.
• Only the active zone set is distributed to other switches.
• In MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(x), Fibre Channel timers can be set on a per VSAN basis. Modifying the times, however, requires the VSAN to be suspended. Prior to SAN-OS Release 1.3, modifying timers required all VSANs across the switch to be put into the suspended state.
• The MDS 9000 switch still supports the following zoning limits per switch across all VSANs:
– 2000 zones (as of SAN-OS 3.0, 8000 zones)
– 20000 aliases
– 1000 zone sets
– 20000 members
– 8000 LUN members
– 256 LUN members per zone/alias
Brocade Interoperability Mode Limitations
When interoperability mode is set, the Brocade switch has the following limitations:
• All Brocade switches should be in Fabric OS 2.4 or later.
• Interop mode affects the entire switch. All switches in the fabric must have interop mode enabled.
• Msplmgmtdeactivate must be run prior to connecting the Brocade switch to either an MDS 9000 switch or a McData switch. This command uses Brocade proprietary frames to exchange platform information. The MDS 9000 switch and McData switches do not understand these proprietary frames, and rejection of these frames causes the common E ports to become isolated.
• Enabling interoperability mode is a disruptive process to the entire switch. It requires the switch to be rebooted.
• If there are no zones defined in the effective configuration, the default behavior of the fabric is to allow no traffic to flow. If a device is not in a zone, it is isolated from other devices.
• Zoning can only be done with pWWNs. You cannot zone by port numbers or nWWNs.
• To manage the fabric from a Brocade switch, all Brocade switches must be interconnected. This interconnection facilitates the forwarding of the inactive zone configuration.
• Domain IDs are restricted to the 97 to 127 range to accommodate McData's nominal restriction to this same range.
• Brocade WebTools will show a McData switch or an MDS 9000 switch as an anonymous switch. Only a zoning configuration of the McData switch or the MDS 9000 switch is possible.
• Private loop targets will automatically be registered in the fabric using translative mode.
• Fabric watch is restricted to Brocade switches only.
• The full zone set (configuration) is distributed to all switches in the fabric. However, the full zone set is distributed in a proprietary format, which only Brocade switches accept. Other vendors reject these frames, and accept only the active zone set (configuration).
• The following services are not supported:
– The Alias Server
Vendor Worldwide Names WWN :
If decoding a HBA WWN, then issue an 8f, command to view the WWN in the FA login table. Bytes 1-3 of the World Wide Names contain the unique vender codes. Note that if there is a switch connected between the FA and the host bus adapter, then the name and fabric servers of the switch will login to the FA. These WWNs can be decoded in the same way as the HBA WWNs.
In the following example the unique vendor code is 060B00, this indicates that the HBA attached was supplied by Hewlett Packard.
UTILITY 8F -- SCSI Adapter utility : TIME: APR/23/01 01:23:30
IF FLAGS3: 00/NO SCI3/NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ....
FC FLAGS1: 00/NO VCM /NO CLS2/NO OVMS/NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ....
FC FLAGS2: 00/NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ....
FC FLAGS3: 00/NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ..../NO ....
000001 50060B0000014932 50060B0000014933 992 EE 4 3
The following are common HBA vendor codes:
Refer to the open systems host matrix if you need to know whether these HBAs are supported for specific hosts.
00-30-D3 (hex) Agilent Technologies
0030D3 (base 16) Agilent Technologies
00-02-A5 (hex) Compaq Computer Corporation
0002A5 (base 16) Compaq Computer Corporation
00-60-48 (hex) EMC CORPORATION
006048 (base 16) EMC CORPORATION
00E024 (base 16) GADZOOX NETWORKS
00-60-B0 (hex) HEWLETT-PACKARD CO.
0060B0 (base 16) HEWLETT-PACKARD CO.
00-50-76 (hex) IBM
005076 (base 16) IBM
00-E0-69 (hex) JAYCOR NETWORKS, INC.
00E069 (base 16) JAYCOR NETWORKS, INC.
080088 (base 16) MCDATA CORPORATION
08-00-0E (hex) NCR CORPORATION
08000E (base 16) NCR CORPORATION
00-E0-8B (hex) QLOGIC CORP.
00E08B (base 16) QLOGIC CORP.
00109B (base 16) VIXEL CORPORATION
Brocade Switches:
How to merge two switches with different active zone sets."
Merging Two B-series Directors and/or Switches with Different Active Zoning Configurations
Before Beginning The following procedure is disruptive to fabric traffic.:
--It will require disabling the switch and the removal of the effective zoning configurations at one step. Removing this configuration will stop the data flow. Since this step in the procedure takes only a few moments to complete, data should resume as soon as the new configuration is activated.
To evaluate the impact on an OS platforms and applications, please refer to the ESN Topology Guide for OS platform timeout recommendations as well as the actual configuration files of the servers to identify their current timeout settings.
Supported Director and Switch Types
The following information on fabric merging applies to the following EMC Director and Switch types:
NOTE: Also applies to similar OEM version of these switch types. See ESM for latest switch firmware qualification prior to merging non-EMC Directors and/or Switches into an EMC SAN.
Host Requirements:
A host computer with a FTP service is required.
1. Log into the first switch via telnet or WebTools
a. Known as “swo1” for this example
b. For DS-16Bs, DS-8Bs, and comparable switch models running firmware 2.5.0d and above, default access zoning must be set to “ALLACCESS”
NOTE: This is an offline command that will interrupt data flow.
1. Issue switchdisable command
2. Issue configure command
3. Enter “y” when prompted for “Zoning Operation parameters”
4. Enter “1” when prompted for “Default Access”
5. Enter “n” for all other parameters
6. Issue switchenable command
2. Upload the first switch (or one switch of a multi-switch fabric) configuration to a host using FTP
a. Use configupload command or use WebTools
b. Name the file “sw01_config.txt”
1. All zoning and configuration data for this switch will be located in this file.
3. Log into the second switch via telnet or WebTools
a. Known as “sw02” for this example
b. For DS-16Bs, DS-8Bs, and comparable switch models running firmware 2.5.0d and above, default access zoning must be set to “ALLACCESS”
NOTE: This is an offline command that will interrupt data flow.
1. Issue switchdisable command
2. Issue configure command
3. Enter “y” when prompted for “Zoning Operation parameters”
4. Enter “1” when prompted for “Default Access”
5. Enter “n” for all other parameters
6. Issue switchenable command
4. Upload the switch configuration to a host using FTP
a. Use configupload command or use WebTools
b. Name the file “sw02_config.txt”
1. All zoning and configuration data for this switch will be located in this file.
5. Open in a text editor (i.e. Microsoft Word, VI, emacs, etc) for both “sw01_config.txt” and “sw02_config.txt” files
a. The uploaded configuration contains a list of switches in the fabric, list of ISLs, list of ports, name server data, and zoning information.
b. For the purposes of merging, one need only be concerned with the zoning section of the uploaded configuration, which may be found at the end of the file. It contains zones, aliases, and defined and effective configurations.
Example sw01_config.txt Zoning Section
Example sw02_config.txt Zoning Section
6. Make a copy of “sw01_config.txt” and rename the copy as “configmerge.txt”
7. Copy aliases from “sw02_config.txt”
a. Highlight and copy the alias data
8. Paste aliases from “sw02_config.txt” to “configmerge.txt”
a. Paste under existing alias data in “configmerge.txt”
9. Copy zones from “sw02_config.txt”
a. Highlight and copy the zone data
10. Paste zones from “sw02_config.txt” to “configmerge.txt”
a. Paste under existing zone data in “configmerge.txt”
11. Copy zone names from “cfg.cfg” line of “[Zoning]” section from “sw02_config.txt” to “configmerge.txt”
a. Copy zone name(s) to “cfg.cfg” line after existing zones separating each zone with a semicolon
b. The last zone name will not be followed by a semicolon
Example Configmerge.txt Zoning Section After Paste from sw02_config.txt
NOTE: Areas highlighted in red above illustrate the additions from “sw02_config.txt”
12. Save changes to “configmerge.txt”
13. Download “configmerge.txt” to sw01
a. Use configdownload command or use WebTools
1. If using configdownload command, the switch must be manually disabled before downloading commences. Use the switchdisable command. After completion, the switch must be manually enabled. Use the switchenable command.
2. Using WebTools automatically disables and re-enables the switch.
b. After downloading, the newly merged configuration is automatically the effective configuration because it is already specified in the “[Zoning]” section as the enabled configuration.
14. Issue cfgsave command on sw01
a. Saves the configuration to flash
15. Issue cfgshow command to see defined and effective zoning configurations
Example Output of cfgshow Command on sw01 After Configmerge.txt is Downloaded
Defined configuration:
cfg: cfg_1 zone_1; zone_2
zone: zone_1 10:00:00:08:00:00:00:01
zone: zone_2 10:00:00:00:09:00:00:02
alias: HBA1 10:00:00:08:00:00:00:01
alias: HBA2 10:00:00:00:09:00:00:02
Effective configuration:
cfg: cfg_1
zone: zone_1 Protocol:ALL 10:00:00:08:00:00:00:01
zone: zone_2 Protocol:ALL 10:00:00:00:09:00:00:02
16. On sw02, issue the following commands to remove both defined and effective zoning configurations
a. cfgdisable
b. cfgclear
c. cfgsave
17. Issue cfgshow command to see defined and effective zoning configurations
Example Output of “cfgshow” Command on Second Switch After Removing the Configuration
Defined configuration:
no configuration defined
Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect
18. Connect the switches via a fiber optic cable to the ports chosen to be E_ports.
a. sw02 will inherit the zoning data from sw01 when they exchange fabric parameters.
NOTE: Be sure to check that both switches have unique Domain IDs. Be sure to check the fabric parameters such as EDTOV, RATOV, Data Field Size, Core Switch PID are identical.
19. Issue cfgshow command on second switch to see defined and effective zoning configurations.
Example Output of cfgshow Command on sw02 After Fabric Merge
Defined configuration:
cfg: cfg_1 zone_1; zone_2
zone: zone_1 10:00:00:08:00:00:00:01
zone: zone_2 10:00:00:00:09:00:00:02
alias: HBA1 10:00:00:08:00:00:00:01
alias: HBA2 10:00:00:00:09:00:00:02
Effective configuration:
cfg: cfg_1
zone: zone_1 Protocol:ALL 10:00:00:08:00:00:00:01
zone: zone_2 Protocol:ALL 10:00:00:00:09:00:00:02
NOTE: Zoning configurations on both switches are now identical.
20. Issue switchshow and fabricshow commands to verify a successful fabric merge
Hope this info will help you to replace a switch in your enviornment or merge.
There are different type of SAN like IP SAN, NAS over SAN etc... We will discuss about Fibre Channel SAN. It gives you more option in order to manage and minimize downtime means reducing company cost.
In general if you think storage environments, physical interfaces to storage consisted of parallel SCSI channels supporting a small number of SCSI devices. With Fibre Channel, the technology provides a means to implement robust storage area networks that may consist of 100’s of devices. Fibre Channel storage area networks yield a capability that supports high bandwidth storage traffic on the order of 100 MB/s, and enhancements to the Fibre Channel standard will support even higher bandwidth in the near future.
Depending on the implementation, several different components can be used to build a Fibre Channel storage area network. The Fibre Channel SAN consists of components such as storage subsystems, storage devices, and server systems that are attached to a Fibre Channel network using Fibre Channel adapters. Fibre Channel networks in turn may be composed of many different types of interconnect entities. Examples of interconnect entities are switches, hubs, and bridges.
There are various type of SAN implementation so lets discuss little bit about physical view and logical view of SAN.
The physical view allows the physical components of a SAN to be identified and the associated
physical topology between them to be understood. Similarly, the logical view allows the relationships and associations between SAN entities to be identified and understood.
Physical View
From a physical standpoint, a SAN environment typically consists of four major classes of components. These four classes are:
· End-user platforms such as desktops and/or thin clients;
· Server systems;
· Storage devices and storage subsystems;
· Interconnect entities.
Typically, network facilities based on traditional LAN and WAN technology provide connectivity between end-user platforms and server system components. However in some cases, end-user platforms may be attached to the Fibre Channel network and may access storage devices directly. Server system components in a SAN environment can exist independently or as a cluster. As processing requirements continue to increase, computing clusters are becoming more prevalent.
We are using new term cluster. this itself is big topic to cover but we will have brief idea about cluster. A cluster is defined as a group of independent computers managed as a single system for higher availability, easier manageability, and greater scalability. Server system components are
interconnected using specialized cluster interconnects or open clustering technologies such as the Fibre Channel - Virtual Interface mapping. Storage subsystems are connected to server systems, to end–user platforms, and to each other using the facilities of a Fibre Channel network. The Fibre Channel network is made up of various interconnect entities that may include switches, hubs, and bridges.
Logical View
From a logical perspective, a SAN environment consists of SAN components and resources, as well as their relationships, dependencies and other associations. Relationships, dependencies, and associations between SAN components are not necessarily constrained by physical connectivity. For example, a SAN relationship may be established between a client and a
group of storage devices that are not physically co-located. Logical relationships play a key role in the management of SAN environments. Some key relationships in the SAN environment are identified below:
· Storage subsystems and interconnect entities;
· Between storage subsystems;
· Server systems and storage subsystems (including adapters);
· Server systems and end-user components;
· Storage and end-user components;
· Between server systems.
As a specific example, one type of relationship is the concept of a logical entity group. In this case, server system components and storage components are logically classified as connected components because they are both attached to the Fibre Channel network. A logical entity group forms a private virtual network or zone within the SAN environment with a specific set of
connected entities as members. Communication within each zone is restricted to its members.
In another example, where a Fibre Channel network is implemented using a switched fabric, the Fibre Channel network may further still be broken down into logically independent sections called sub-fabrics for each possible combination of data rate and class of service. Sub-fabrics are again divided into regions and extended-regions based on compatible service parameters.
Regions and extended regions can also be divided into partitions called zones for administrative purposes.
You have two fabrics running off of two switches. You'd like to make them one fabric. How to do that? For the most part, it's simply connecting the two switches via e_ports.
Before doing that, however, realize there's several factors that can prevent them from mergingg
- Incompatible operating parameters such as RA_TOV and ED_TOV
- Duplicate domain IDs.
- Incompatible zoning configurations
- No principal switch (priority set to 255 on all switches)
- No response from the switch (hello sent every 30 seconds)
To avoid the issues above:
- Check IPs on all Service Processors and switches; deconflict as necessary.
- Ensure that all switches have unique domain ids.
- Ensure that operating parameters are the same.
- Ensure there aren't any zoning conflicts in the fabric (port zones, etc).
Once that's done:
- Physically link the switches
- View the active zone set to ensure the merge happens.
- Save the active zone set
- Activate the new zone set.
EMC recommends no more than four connectrix switches per fabric based on the following formulae:
One Switch
-32 Total ports
- 4 ports reserved for card failure
28 ports remaining.
- (int(28/5)) No more than 4:1 ratio, hosts : fa
23 Possible host connections
-2 to support multi-pathing
-11 total host connections
Two Switch
- 64 Total ports
- 4 ports reserved for card failure
- 4 ports reserved for E_ports
- 56 ports remaining.
-(int(56/5)) No more than 4:1 ratio, hosts : fa
-45 Possible host connections
-/ 2 to support multi-pathing
22 host connections (gain of 11)
Three switches
- 96 total ports
- 4 ports reserved for card failure
- 12 ports reserved for E_ports
-80 ports remaining
- (int(80/5)) No more than 4:1 ratio, hosts : fa
-64 Possible host connections
-/ 2 to support multi-pathing
-32 host connections (gain of 10)
Four switches
-128 total ports
- 4 ports reserved for card failure
- 24 ports reserved for E_ports
-100 ports remaining
- (int(100/5)) No more than 4:1 ratio, hosts : fa
-80 Possible host connections
- / 2 to support multi-pathing
-40 host connections (gain of 8)
Putting in that fourth connectrix means that you gain only 8 host connections from a 32 port connectrix switch.
About Me

- Diwakar
- Sr. Solutions Architect; Expertise: - Cloud Design & Architect - Data Center Consolidation - DC/Storage Virtualization - Technology Refresh - Data Migration - SAN Refresh - Data Center Architecture More info:- diwakar@emcstorageinfo.com