CLARiiON Flare release 29 ( introduce support for several new features as follow:
1) Virtualization-aware Navisphere Manager - Discovery of VMware client always were difficult in earlier release but Flare 29 enables CLARiiON CX4 users and VMware administrators to reduce infrastructure reporting time from hours to minutes. Earlier releases have allowed only a single IP address to be assigned to each iSCSI physical port. With Flare 29, the ability to define multiple virtual iSCSI ports on each physical port has been added along with the ability to tag each virtual port with unique VLAN tag. VLAN tagging has also been added to the single Management Port interface. It should be noted that the IP address and VLAN tag assignments should be carefully coordinated with those supporting the network infrastructure where the storage system will operate
2) Built-in policy-based spin down of idle SATA II drives for CLARiiON CX4 - Lowers power requirements in environments such as test and development in physical and virtual environments. Features include a simple management via a “set it and forget it” policy, complete spin down of inactive drives during times of zero I/O activity, and drives automatically spin back up after a "first I/O" request is received.
3) Virtual Provisioning Phase 2 - Support for MirrorView and SAN Copy replication on thin LUNs has been added.
4) Search feature – Provides users with the ability to search for a wide-variety of objects across their storage systems. Objects can be either logical (e.g., LUN) or physical (e.g., disks).
5) Replication roles - Three additional roles have to be added in Navisphere: “Local Replication Only”, “Replication” and “Replication/ Recovery”.
6) Dedicated VMware software files - VMware software files (i.e. NaviSecCLI, Navisphere Initialization Wizard) are now separate from those of the Linux Operating System.
7) Software filename standardization - all CLARiiON software filenames beginning with FLARE Release 29
8) Changing SP IP addresses - SP IP addresses can now be changed without rebooting the SP. Only the Management Sever will need to be rebooted from the Setup page, which results in no storage system downtime.
9) Linux 64-bit server software – Native 64-bit Linux server software files simplify installation by eliminating the need to gather and load 32-bit DLLs.
10) Solaris x64 Navisphere Host Agent – Release 29 marks the introduction of Solaris 64-bit Navisphere Host Agent software. This Host Agent is backward compatible with older FLARE release.
in SAN copy, if i do zone spa from clariion_1 and spa from clariion_2 in as one zone, how clariion or cisco understands that which one is target and other is initiator? .. i am going to copy data from clariion_1 to clariion_2.. in this case, clariion_1 is initiator and clariion_2 is target.... if i do reverse copy in future, do you think initiator and targer assumption get changed? is my id.. thanks for your superb some posts.. keep in touch sir.
is it possible to get simulators for clariion and symtrix
Zoning needs to be done between two arrays and we need to make useof initiator WWN details from both arrays to identify the target and source. Configuration should be done from Navisphere or Unishere once the WWNS are identied in host connectivity. It will be like normal host to storage connectivity. Source will act as storage and target will act as a host. This is how configuration should be.