1. Log into Connectrix Manager using the Username and password that was provided by the Customer. Note that the default username and password is Administrator and password.

2. You should now be in Product view. From Product view, double click on the switch Icon.

3. You should now be in Hardware view. From Hardware view, move the mouse pointer over the Maintenance Icon and select the data collection option. In version 6.0 and above, you need to select the maintenance pull down menu and select data collection.

4. This will bring up the Save Data Collection dialog box. Type the name that you would like to save the data collection as in the File Name: text box. We recommend that you save it in the format of Customername_switchname_date.zip (i.e.. enron_sw01_08082002.zip). In what directory it is saved in is unimportant as long as you remember where it is.

5. Take the zip disk currently in the zip drive out of the zip drive and replace it with the one that came with the replacement part.

6. Move the data collection file to the zip disk (cut or copy and paste).

7. Take the zip disk containing the data collection out of the zip drive and replace it with the one that was originally in there.

8. Include the zip disk containing the data collection with the part being returned.


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