RAID 5 - You must bind a minimum of three and no more than sixteen disk modules. We recommend you bind five modules for more efficient use of disk space. In a storage system with SCSI disks, you should use modules on different SCSI buses for highest availability. *
RAID 3 - You must bind exactly five or nine disk modules in a storage system with Fibre Channel disks and exactly five disk modules in a storage system with SCSI disks. In a storage system with SCSI disks, you should use modules on separate SCSI buses for highest availability. You cannot bind a RAID 3 LUN until you have allocated storage-system memory for the LUN, unless on a FC4700 or CX-series *
IMPORTANT: RAID 3, non FC4700/CX-series does not allow caching,
when binding RAID 3 LUNS, the -c cache-flags switch do not applyRAID 0 - You must bind a minimum of three and no more than sixteen disk modules. If possible in a storage system with SCSI disks, use modules on different SCSI buses for highest availability. *
RAID 1/0 - You must bind a minimum of four but no more than sixteen disk modules, and it must be an even number of modules. Navisphere Manager pairs modules into mirrored images in the order in which you select them. The first and second modules you select are a pair of mirrored images; the third and fourth modules you select are another pair of mirrored images; and so on. The first module you select in each pair is the primary image, and the second module is the secondary image. If possible in a storage system with SCSI disks the modules you select for each pair should be on different buses for highest availability. *individual disk unit none.